April 24

Apr 24, 2023

Week of April 24, 2023 (Week 17)

Sermon: This week I started my third trip through a biblical theology class given by Tom Schreiner, who was Pastor Bob’s professor at Bethel and mine at Southern Seminary. This class was given at Master’s Seminary. It’s 31 parts. Yes, thirty-one. But there’s no better resource I’m aware of for grasping the storyline of the Bible. I love to put the videos going on my workbench, pop on my Bluetooth earmuffs, and make sawdust for a few hours. If you can listen to things at work, I can’t urge you enough to give this a go. Some of it is a little technical, but if you give it some time and attention, you won’t regret it.

Catechism: Once again, What is sin? What is idolatry?

Song: Psalm 148, “Ye Dragons, Sing His Praise!” You read that right. Give it a listen!